About Us
the news you want
the stress
you don't
The Breakdown is simply good talking points at a glance.
Let's face it - since the election, it's hard to watch the news, listen to the news, and read the news.
We are entering a frightening new chapter in the book of the American Experiment, and we can't afford to all check out. We all have different roles in defending our democracy, and if we don't understandably have the might to actively run for office, write letters, or march in the streets, we must at least keep the defense of our country on our mind.
Without pushback . . . if we do check out for four years . . . right and wrong, respect for our institutions, love for the traditions of our country, and democracy itself will not just disappear, but be hijacked in such a way that American ideals are simply redefined so that "Good" itself is no longer characterized by scholarship, compassion, inclusiveness, and unity, but simply by wealth, power, and winning.
The Breakdown was created to provide talking points for people who want to be informed but are no longer willing to sacrifice time and energy on the yelling and nonsense of "the news." We must be calm and clear in our conversations with our neighbors, colleagues, and loved ones, appealing to all of our better angels, common sense, cultural inclusiveness, and moral compass if we are keep this great country that has been built on the hopes and dreams and collaboration of leaders and laypeople from DC to Wall Street to Main Street.
Our hope is that the talking points in The Breakdown will provide good points at a glance, so that we may remain informed and safeguard our ideals and democracy.